The Pros And Cons Of Barack Obama

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Please, I’d Rather Vote for Mickey Mouse! There are many reasons why Americans are looking forward to the 2008 presidential elections. A general consensus would show that most people are just plain tired of President Bush. His popular vote has fallen to unthinkable lows. People want to see the American soldiers come out of the Middle East as soon as possible. They want gas prices back to normal and a president who can represent the most powerful nation in the world with excellence and pride. Many feel that President Bush has over-stayed his stay in the White House. America is looking for a new face: a dominant leader who can be the voice of the nation. Many people believe that Barack Obama is that person. He is a highly motivating…show more content…
He should. The question is: is he ready now? Is appeal all it takes to be president of the most powerful country in the world? It cannot be, because if it were, then anyone could be president. Appeal is a great quality to have, but it is not the only qualification for a position in the Oval Office. In the United States, a high level of experience is needed. Does Obama have that experience? Obama has served as the Illinois State Senator for two years. He does not have much prior political office experience. Barack Obama needs more time to understand how the U.S. government works. Most of the previous presidents had many years of political experience before being elected to the Presidency. Only 11 of the last 43 presidents entered into office with six years or less experience (Walters). According to Ryan Lizza, “Dwight Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover, and William Howard Taft, all were elected with no prior political experience. Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt both entered office with only two years experience. Franklin Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge had four years each. Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Warren Harding, and George W. Bush each had six years prior political experience.” Of the 11 mentioned, only four served more then one term. The lesson is that experience may be the key to Barack Obama’s presidential…show more content…
He also lacks military experience. The current issue in Iraq is the primary concern of most voting Americans. It is safe to say that a majority of Americans would like to see the troops pulled from Iraq. The belief is that no progress is being made, and that too many U.S. lives are being lost. George W. Bush has no current plans to pull troops out of Iraq. He actually intends to send more. Americans are furious. Therefore, is now the time for a man with no military experience to enter office? If Obama took office in 2008 and the war continued, what would he do? Obama's inexperience will destroy our military and our country on the world stage. His small-minded thinking proves it. He is not a leader. He is a follower. If Obama was elected president and made the wrong decision about the war, he would be hated just as much as the current president
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