The Power Of The Constitution In Canada

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What would you say is the most powerful aspect of the Canadian political system: the Constitution, the executive, the legislative branch or the judiciary? Please explain why. Make sure you assess all four aspects in your response and indicate if you feel that there has been any change over time? As Canadians, we live in a state that offers us a federal democratic political system. It provides several elements that help in shaping our political frame. Elements such as the Constitution, the executive, the legislative and the judiciary branch are what define the current Canadian political system. Each branch has its fair share of duties and responsibilities in governing the state. The legislatures are responsible for making and amending laws, the executive have the responsibility of implementing those laws and day to day management of the government and finally, the judiciary which represents courts and judges that interpret and review those laws (Brooks, Lesson 11, slides 11-15). All of these aspects are powerful in the sense of running a constitutional monarchy in a democratic state like Canada. The power is divided and distributed among many members of those different government branches. Several changes over time had occurred and power of governing was granted more to a certain aspect than others. For example, introducing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Constitutional Act of 1982, strengthened constitutional authority and increased that of the judiciary branch (Brooks, Lesson 11, slide 15). Present-day, I find that we have, on a global level, a well-developed political system. The current combination of three main elements such as the legislative, the executive and the judiciary institutions under respected guidelines, provided by the constitution , successfully creates a stable government. In this article, I
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