The Poem "At Night"

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The poem “At Night” has an overall feeling of sadness turning into arrogant anger. The tone of the poem suggests that the narrator loses his sadness which is stated in the quote “The blue of my eyes is extinguished in this night,”. The blue eyes are a symbol of sadness, which is what blue usually means or symbolizes (for example, blues music, etc.). The narrator also says how his heart is ‘read’ and ‘gold’. The color red usually means anger and gold suggests a majestic feeling. The line that contains this is “The red and gold of my heart.” The narrator seems to change from sadness to something like arrogant or majestic anger where he surely considers himself to be better than whatever he was referring to. The colors in this poem have many significant meanings. For example, in the first line, the meaning of the color blue could be obvious. The narrator can refer to his eyes being the color blue. He can also be referring to the meaning of colors. The color blue can mean sadness, for example blues music. Blue is considering a melancholy color and in the line “The blue of my eyes is extinguished in this night,” the author means that his sadness is gone. The next line “The red gold of my heart.” suggests that the narrator feels superior to something. The color red symbolizes anger, while the color gold usually symbolizes something majestic or important. The sentence right after “And how still the light continued to burn.” says that the feelings that he expressed by using the colors as symbols continued to dwell within him. The next line “Your blue coat embraced him.” says that something, not necessarily a coat, most likely a feeling has embraced someone. Seeing as the color blue is a symbol for sadness, it seems that sadness overcame someone. The last line “Your red mouth sealed a friend’s madness.” suggests that something was said to a person in anger. The last line

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