The Plastic Bags vs the Environment

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The monster we created slowing killing us The moment I stepped on the blue market I begun to worry. My ignorance suddenly begun to fade away when I first read that article last week which my English teacher Stephanie Herwick in which talked about the dangers of plastic is causing to our environment. And all the plastic people are taking home, what are they doing to it? On my road to school I spotted several places in which garbage was fully one 80% plastic bags and the other percent would take place the cardboard, paper and other stuff. The littering was depressing now that I knew where those plastic bags ended up in. So like my mother once told me: “To kill the bad weed ‘mijo’ you first need to tear it from its roots” and I began my research about plastic bags. My idea is to bring awareness to people in McAllen in reducing their rates in plastic bags consumption; meanwhile we address a solution to the problem such as bringing new biodegradable bags to grocery stores in McAllen or changing plastic bags to reusable bags. The first thing I was aiming about was to acknowledge what people thought about this problem. In my life I’ve seen several commercial spots about preserving water and how to use it the correct way so nothing is wasted, also about the excessive deforestation that encourage People to plant two trees for each tree fallen. But I never have seen anything about the dangers of plastic bags, so I was wondering if people knew about the big problem. So I developed a 9 question survey (Appendix I) to ask the people and that way I could find some valuable information. On the essay I would be aware about how much people knew about the problem, how much plastic they consume and if they are willing to support the environment by consuming less plastic. I stood in the wall-mart and got around 20 surveys, my statistics were: 6 of each 10 people know about

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