The Patriot - Identity

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Essay “The Patriot” Identity is how a person defines themselves. This identity however, can be put into categories that better describe aspects of a person. In the feature film “The Patriot”, different ‘versions’ of identity give specialized meaning to fathers, and soldiers - going far beyond generic identity representation. Furthering the constructions of a ‘version’ of identity is image 1 with a subverting representation of female soldiers. These sub-categories of identity help the audience to construct a unique version of identity in relation to the topic at hand. In the film “The Patriot” a version of fatherly identity is constructed - predominantly affectionate. A family caught in the midst of the American revolution prove just how strong and unwavering the love of a father can be, through a quest for the revenge of a fallen son. The skeletal identity of a father is a rather basic one, which outlines no traits of personality, but is simply acquired upon the act of parenting a child. By further describing the father, and in the case of Benjamin Martin, a man of affection, I am able to better understand the character at hand. Throughout the film Benjamin Martin of 1770 fights for his family, and to portray this, the directer utilizes techniques such as merciless brutality in the characterization of the father. An example, being the sheer strength of his determination to defeat the British army, and kill the British dragoon, Lavington, who killed his son. Love, expressed in the form of bloodthirsty revenge, overwhelms the protagonist on numerous occasions. The most notable, however, is the first convoy of British supplies he destroys. Hacking a young soldiers body with and axe, this brutal scene, critically placed by the director, proves to the audience and myself, just how passionate he is towards retribution of his offspring. For myself, the identity of a
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