The Parameters Of The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

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Women, Families and Communities: Chapter 2: Women and families in slavery and the slave trade A. Beginning of slavery in North America, 1619 in Jamestown B. Mid 17th century, slave trade was a major source of wealth in Europe. C. Demand for African laborers shattered families, communities, and economic and political systems in many African nations, especially in West Africa. D. Morgan demonstrates the importance of African women to the slave trade and to the development of North American slavery. E. In West Africa, women were the primary agricultural laborers. They were also central to marketing crops and handmade goods. Slave Ships and Forts: A. Slave ship name was Arthur B. Most embarkation points, women…show more content…
The encounter between far-flung ethnic groups that characterized the experience of enslavement throughout the Americans began on the West African coast. K. Their place in the world no longer grew out of the particularities of family, region, language, etc, but it became dependent upon racial sameness. L. Childbirth among women who answered o a white owner and whose children accompanied her as she carried out her labors in an alien land was a painful emblem of their future. The Parameters of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A. More common for slave ship leaving the west or west central African coast to arrive in Caribbean and Latin America than north America B. Single crucial factor that differentiated North America from most other slave societies as children. C. Children’s presence meant a slave society no longer dependent upon African imports to maintain population D. There sale as youngsters and adults to the “deep south” occasioned an ongoing tragedy of familial disruption and instability among enslaved North Americans. E. 7 general regions from which slaves were imported: a. Senegambia b. Sierra…show more content…
2% Mozambique0Madagascar J. As time went on the percentage of women slaves decreased while men’s percentage remained constant and the demand for children rode. K. The Bight of Biafra and Bight of Benin supplied the highest ratios of women to men while the Gold Coast, West Central Africa and Upper Guinea coast supplied the lowest. The Life Left Behind: Sketches of West African Cultures: A. Economic upheavals and the desire for trade goods cast a wide wed of capture and sale for African men, women, and children B. The aftermath of Dahomean expansion did cause increased numbers of dependent women and men to be offered into trade. C. More women were being exported from Whydah in the Late 1700s D. Women slaves who were captured focused on family, children and household things that they were forced to leave behind upon capture. They would no longer se their relatives and they had fear of another woman stepping in the replace them within their families. E. Slave traders called women “slaves” to African men-an accusation that went some way toward exonerating their role in the slave trade. F. All members of society depended upon women’s agricultural work and compensated for it at the

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