The One Thing Needful In Life

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The One Thing Needful in Life ( Luke 10:38-42) We live in the world full of different choices. It is sometimes very easy to choose things which are not really important in our life. In fact, many Christians are tempted to choose worldly things by ignoring spiritual things. There are many niece and smart Christians who do not have good relationship with God. That might be one reason why there are problems everywhere – in the society, in the family and the church is no exception. As for me, I believe ignoring “The One Thing Needful in Life” is the main cause for all kinds of problems in the world today. Therefore, I have chosen “The One Thing Needful in Life” as our topic for discussion this time. Then, what is “The One Thing Needful in Life?” According to the passage we have red in Luke 10: 38 – 42, “to sit at Jesus feet and listen from him” is “the one thing needful in life” for all for Christians. As we are living in a busy and noisy world, it is indeed not easy to sit at Jesus feet and listen from him on a regular basis. It is very sad that many Christians pay full attention to their works and have no time to spend time with Jesus. Therefore, we will briefly discuss the importance of sitting at Jesus feet from the story of Mary and Martha. Mary chose to sit at Jesus feet while Martha was busy with many things. According to our passage, Jesus one day came to the house of Mary and Martha. Martha was very busy, may be preparing good foods for Jesus. The Bible says, “But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made” (v 40a). Therefore, she had no time to sit at Jesus feet. But his sister Mary sat quietly at Jesus feet to listen from Jesus. Meanwhile Martha came to Jesus and lodged complaint against Mary. She said, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me” (v. 40b). Jesus
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