The New Testament Parables

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Certificate of Religious Education (NSW) Unit 2: The Scriptures Part B: The New Testament 1. Parables 1. Compare and contrast the meaning of the Parable of the Lost Sheep in the context of both the gospels of Luke and Matthew. 2. How does Ezekiel 34:1-10 inform your reading of the Parable in the gospel of Luke. The New Testament is comprised of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Letters, Acts of the Apostles and the Book of Revelations. The gospels are a unique form of literature; they tell the story of Jesus, but are not a biography. They are testaments of faith based on the life and ministry of Jesus. The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are referred to as the synoptic gospels because of the similarities of their structure and content. (Woods, 1996) It is believed that the Gospel of Mark was written before the others, as it appears to be the basis for the content and arrangement of the gospels of Luke and Matthew. The differences in the gospels of Luke and Matthew lie in their context, both authors reflected the tradition of their communities. Parables are a commonly used feature of the gospels and a characteristic feature of Jesus’ teaching. Parables are engaging stories that relate to real life circumstances, they illustrate a moral or teaching while adding the interest of a story with characters and plot. Parables have no definite interpretation, they urge people to determine the message individually. (Senior, 1992) One of the parables found in both the gospels of Luke and Matthew is the parable of the Lost Sheep, the reference to sheep is also mentioned by the Prophet Ezekiel in the Old Testament. The Prophet Ezekiel shares the message of God with the people, the message that God has seen the way the leaders and Kings have failed as shepherds. That they abuse and reap benefits from the flock but do not tend and care for them, as

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