The Negative Impact Of Imperialism In Africa

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Imperialism is the process of countries gaining and losing power by influence and impact other outside forces. Imperialism began in the 1800’s, when Europe’s population bean growing rapidly. The imperialists where the Europeans, Africans, and Asians. Overall, I believe that imperialism had a negative impact on the world. In document 1, by Cicil Rhodes, there is a discussion of the superiority of the British people. The Britons believed that they were the superior and first race of the world. The Britons honestly believed that by taking over all land and everybody who inhabited it, they were doing what was best for all nations around the world. This type of self confidence is not always a positive thing. In document 2, given by Dadabhai Nairobi, both the positive and negative effects of the British empire are described. Overall, it was viewed as a good type of government, but underneath, there were many flaws. People were fooled by the seemingly postitveness of it, and were blind to the truth that hid below.…show more content…
People from all different nations and countries, are eager to take things from Africa, because of their rich culture and goods. This shows how people only care about themselves, and ways they can make their own lives better; even if it means taking from others. Africa would be slowly torn apart and destroyed, in result of the worlds greediness. In document 4, the cartoon “The Devilfish in Egyptian waters” shows the British Empire and its extent. The empire stretched all around the world, touching and influencing everywhere it went. This could be positive for certain nations with certain views, but also
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