The Movement "Women View of Liberation"

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10 “The Movement” Women’s view of liberation Cindy Alcindor Eng. 63.009 Professor Leah Dilworth 10 “The Movement” Women’s view of liberation Cindy Alcindor Eng. 63.009 Professor Leah Dilworth Decision making is the initial infrastructure of shape, change and compromise to circumstances in our daily lives. It is considered as a practical guide for making efficient and effective choices. Regardless of whether the choice results in conflict privately or publically; or eluding an opportunity to convey our concerns and emotional setbacks, the intent is to liberate our identity. However, the necessity to come forth with these bold decisions is not always received by those who are subjected to the consequences. In the selected readings, “The Revolt of Mother” by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman and “Prologue” by Ann Bradstreet, there is a struggle by strong opinionated women. These particular characters acknowledge their roles as women in society. Through their actions and despite their response to others reactions, their emotions were always based on the opposite of the norm of their specific time period. In my thesis, I will explore the following: 1) were the decisions of these women an act of rebellion or pretentious to justify their inner beliefs and desires? 2) How does the decision made by these women impact the values, morals, ideas or standards among the gender roles in their community? “The Revolt of Mother” is a story told in a third person. The setting takes place in a farming village during the 19th century in a New England town. The location shows great significance because the societal norm during that time consisted of immediate families in close knit communities of Christian believers. The traditional practices and values were governed by a patriarchal society. Women were raised and expected to be benevolent, self-sacrificial and
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