The Mommy Tax Analysis

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Ascension Interrupted: The Glass Ceiling The concept of the Glass Ceiling in the workplace is used as a metaphor in order to explain the inequality between men and women in regard to salary and success. How is the glass ceiling believed to cause issues for women on a large scale? Through the conducted leadership trait surveys, it is evident that most traits associated with leaders are also associated with masculinity. From ten leadership surveys that I administered, I found that twelve leadership traits had a direct correlation with masculine traits. These included achiever, analytical, confident, dynamic, powerful, and strong. When it came to direct correlation to feminine traits; caring, loving, deferential, nurturing, passive, and…show more content…
Ann Crittenden’s “The Mommy Tax” claims the ideal worker is one who is free to focus solely on his job. This is a problem for women, who ponder the idea of having children and for those who already have children. Because a woman has the capability of having a child, she already poses a threat to an ideal worker. Crittenden also presents a study that focuses on the gender difference in time taken off from work. Former women University of Michigan Law students were found to have taken an average of 3.3 months of leave plus 10.1 months of part-time work during their first 15 years. However, their male counterparts were virtually without either. This information hints towards women having more responsibility than men outside of the workplace that requires their time, pulling them away from work. More time endured in a profession leads to men being recognized for their efforts, thus resulting in promotion and increased salary. Time away from the office leads to a lack of promotional opportunities, causing women to run into the “glass ceiling” after being unable to advance within a profession – regardless of the quality of her work and…show more content…
Leadership traits identified with masculinity hurt women in the workplace due to stereotypical association. Physically, a woman has more on her plate outside of her job, whether it be taking care of family chores or giving up her working form by deciding to have a child. Men’s expected duties are focused in the workplace, while women have to balance all of their responsibilities, which cover more areas than just their careers. This expectation results in women being perceived as employees who don’t apply themselves based on quantity of time, rather than quality of work and effort. The Glass Ceiling is a result of society’s expectations of women, to assume the roles of both a career woman and a mother. This expectation causes them to suffer by spreading themselves thin or decide what role they are going to do

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