The Midwife Address The Newly Delivered Analysis

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The Ancient Worldview Grand Canyon University Introduction to World Literature The Ancient Worldview I selected two pieces by Florentine Codex “The Mid-Wife Addresses the Newly Delivered” and “The Midwife Addresses the Woman Who Has Died in Childbirth.” I thought that each piece was moving by expressing the value placed upon life. I truly enjoyed “The Mid-Wife Address the Newly Delivered” it outlined the purpose of a new birth. I believe that each of the writing is evident in the world by the recognition of life purpose. In stanzas of the poem “The Mid-Wife Addresses the Newly Delivered” Codex has a midwife give praise to a woman for her strength in enduring a hard labor during childbirth by using descriptive words such as “toiled,…show more content…
In the first stanzas uses gentle words of empathy she referring to her as “A precious feather child” and Dove darling daughter.” She states “You have risen up the shield” and referred to her as an “Eagle woman, dear one” she has declared her a warrior. Recognizing, expecting mothers as warriors who hold the same worth as the men in battle. The midwife goes on to state “You made yourself a warrior for our lord though not without consuming all your strength and scarified yourself” (Bierhost 21,22). From this the Aztec has taught how to mourn death with praise rather than mourn but to rejoice and make it a joyous occasion. Although, though it is human to be grieve one has to remember like the Aztec religion often speak of being to the mother as a god that has gone onto a better place it states in Revelation 14:13 (New International Version) “Then I heard a voice from heaven say, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." Lastly, the tradition that has been set by the Aztec is now a traditional eulogy that is read to offer a sense of greatness for a life that has passed on which is often read during a funeral service. It is customary to include good words of one’s life that signifies the journey

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