The Merchant of Venice

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4/7/2014 The Merchant of Venice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Merchant of Venice From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about Shakespeare's play. For other uses, see The Merchant of Venice (disambiguation). The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598. Though classified as acomedy in the First Folio and sharing certain aspects with Shakespeare's other romantic comedies, the play is perhaps most remembered for its dramatic scenes, and is best known for Shylockand the famous "Hath not a Jew eyes?" speech. Also notable isPortia's speech about "the quality of mercy". The title character is the merchant Antonio, not the Jewishmoneylender Shylock, who is the play's most prominent and most famous character. This is made explicit by the title page of the first quarto: The most excellent History of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreme cruelty of Shylock the Jew towards the said Merchant etc. Contents [hide] 1 Characters 2 Synopsis 3 Date and text 4 Sources 5 Performance 5.1 Shylock on stage 6 Themes 6.1 Shylock and the antisemitism debate 6.1.1 Shylock as a villain 6.1.2 Shylock as a sympathetic character 6.2 Antonio, Bassanio 7 Adaptations and cultural references 7.1 Film adaptations 1/11 The Merchant of Venice Title page of the first quarto of Merchant of Venice (1600) 4/7/2014 The Merchant of Venice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 7.2 Operas 7.3 Cultural references 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 External links Characters [edit] Antonio – a merchant of Venice Bassanio – Antonio's friend; suitor to Portia Gratiano, Solanio, Salerio – friends of Antonio and Bassanio Lorenzo – friend of Antonio and Bassanio, in love with Jessica Portia – a rich heiress Nerissa – Portia's waiting maid- in
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