Prejudice in 'The Merchant of Venice'

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“The Merchant of Venice” is a compelling and though-provoking comedy by William Shakespeare. The theme of prejudice is highlighted through the plot, subplot, structure and characters. I found this play a gripping and engaging tale. “The Merchant of Venice” is set in Venice, Italy, during the late 1500s. It is about Antonio, the merchant, who lends his friend Bassanio money so that he can go and meet his love, Portia, who stays in Belmont. Antonio’s ships are out at sea and he has no money to lend Bassanio, so Antonio tells him to go out into the city and see what credit he can get in Antonio’s name. This is where we are introduced to Shylock, a Jewish money lender. Shylock contemplates on lending the many to Bassanio but demands to talk to Antonio. Shylock is not willing to just lend Antonio the money and so he makes a bond with him, which Antonio agrees to willingly. Shylock states that if Antonio does not pay back the three ducats he has borrowed then, Shylock will take a pound of Antonio’s flesh. The theme of prejudice is highlighted through the structure of the play. The idea that it is a comedy means that everyone has a happy ending. However, there is one character who does not have a happy ending and that is Shylock, the Jewish money lender. We get the idea that around the time when this play was written and performed that the audience did not care about Jews because, they accept the fact that Shylock does not have a happy ending. In all Shakespeare writes a compelling play which successfully highlights the theme of prejudice through; the plot, structure and main characters. Moreover, the theme of anti-semitism is highlighted through the main plot. In most of the scenes Shylock is show little respect. He is always referred to in derogatory terms such as, “the Jew” and never by his name. Shylock is dehumanised because he is not worthy to be called by his
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