The Main Focus of Russell’s Comedy Is the English Class System. to What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree with This?

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The main focus of Russell’s comedy is the English class system. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this? Educating Rita is a comedy about a young woman in the 80s who has the desire to “know everything” and so goes to Frank, an Open University. The play follows the lives of the two characters over the course of a year, watching the relationship between Frank and \Rita flourish, and her attitude to middle class life change dramatically. Critics say that the main focus of Educating Rita is the English class system and the clash of cultures, however there are many other themes portrayed in the play that are of equal importance. As the title would suggest, one of the key themes in Educating Rita is indeed education. Rita strives to become educated after taking school for granted before. Frank asks her “what do you want to know?” and Rita replies “everything” showing her thirst for knowledge and her enthusiasm to learn. However, when Rita first meets Frank she is a working class, pop cultured hairdresser who knows nothing of English Literature, shown when asking Frank “what is assonance?” But, through education she learns more than just literature, which she exposes when, at the end, she reveals she can make her own choices, “I’ll make a decision.” This displays how education has a huge impact on both Rita and the play, making it a very important theme in the play. Also, Russell uses a vast amount of intertextuality, by repetitively referencing other playwrights, authors and poets such as “E.M Forster,” “Ibsen” and “George Bernard Shaw” who’s play Pygmalion is closely mirrored by Russell’s Educating Rita. This constant reference to literature draws focus to the theme of education, making it a contender for the main focus of the play. Although Educating Rita is a comedy, there are still serious issues addressed such as personal growth, another key idea

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