The Main Flaw with the Constitution of the United Kingdom Is That It Allows the Government of the Day Too Easily to Remould Constitutional Issues in Ways Which Suit Their Own Interests.

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The main flaw with the constitution of the United Kingdom is that it allows the government of the day too easily to remould constitutional issues in ways which suit their own interests. Critically discuss. This essay aims to critically analyse arguments concerning whether the constitution of the United Kingdom can be altered by the government of today, in modes which suit their best interests. In relation to the statement above, a conclusion will be deduced after looking into the functions of the constitution, the theories of Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Separation of Powers, alongside means by which the government has sustained power. Professor KC Wheare defines the constitution of a state as: “… the whole system of government of a country, the collection of rules which establish and regulate or govern the government.” The evolving nature of the UK constitution implies that it is somewhat straightforward for the government to alter the constitution and adapt it to ever changing times. The constitution of the UK is extremely distinct, as it is not set out in a specific document, which establishes the rules of the state, therefore it is often deemed uncodified. The fact that the full UK constitution cannot be found in one specific document, leads many to argue the flexibility and therefore, instability, of the UK constitution, as it is susceptible to change over time. In comparison, the constitution of the United States is codified and present in an easily obtainable document. In order to implement change in the US constitution, therefore, there is a much stricter protocol to follow. In light of the statement above, it is necessary to look into the theory of Parliamentary Sovereignty. Dicey, a nineteenth century constitutional theorist held the view that “no person or body is recognized by the law of England as having a right to

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