The Lottery vs the Most Dangerous Games

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Samantha Braden 9th February 2015 Liberty University The Effect of Television in American Culture What is the effect of television in our American Culture? Our American way of life has become centered on television/media. People across the country everyday will sit and stare in awe at television programs. There is no doubt views and opinions are very easily influenced and controlled by media. Has the American culture changed our behaviors and technology? Television has influenced and made an enormous impact on American society and culture. How has television effected our American cultures behaviors? It has made an assorted kind of effect on attitudes and lives of our people. “Though often studied within popular culture, television has been transformed by and has touched nearly every aspect of American life and institutions” (Katzman pg. 5). It is debatable that people might shape views as individuals with the number of issues that occur in our media. For instance, television shows can have an incredible effect on youth with fashionable clothes, makeup, cars. The American youth follow their favorite television shows, actors, and actresses. As a result it is possible they lose their own body image. So many try to imitate them which changes behavior. This can increase of violence, vulgar language from shows, and movies which has become common in today’s media. Vulgar language routinely appears in programs and movies which is accessible to youth. It is realistic and believable to younger youth which can lead them to aggressiveness. As with our American youth viewing these ideas, these images are imposed on the viewers, especially the younger generation. There is a huge amount of younger children that sit and watch television for many hours. In doing that it will handicap their brains. It is possible they will begin to believe and accept similar

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