The Lady or the Tiger

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Ana Maria Negrete Mrs. Paquette English 10 (1) April 1st “Lady or the Tiger” The princess doesn’t like the lady and she is semi-barbaric which causes her to send her lover to the door in the right where the tiger is. I know this because in text says: “It was one of the fairest and lovelist of the damisels of the court (…) and the princess hated her”. This quotation shows that the princess has strong hateful feelings for the Lady and she doesn’t like her at all. Being semi-barbaric makes her be really mad at the Lady and just thinking about her with her lover makes her angry so that makes her choose the tiger. The princess jealous feelings are really strong that made her send her lover to the tiger. Her feelings are shown by the quotation: “The girl was lovely, but she had dared to raise her eyes to the loved one of the princess” I chose this quotation because it shows how the princess is really jealous and she just wants the young man for herself and even if the damisel is lovely and nice, the princess doesn’t want to share her lover so she would rather send him with the tiger than see him with someone else. Due to the hard jealous feelings and the semi-barbaric lifestyle of the princess she decides to choose the door with the tiger because she prefers to see her lover in the claws of the tiger than with the woman that she completely
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