The Kite Runner

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“The Kite Runner” – Summary #3 In chapter 16 to 23, Khaled Hosseini tells the readers more about the journey of him in Afghanistan to recuse Sohrab, orphan son of Hassan. Rahim Khan found Hassan and his wife in 1986.They live together in Baba’s house. Hassan takes care the house very carefully because he always expects Amir will come back. At Baba’s house, Hassan meets his mother Sanaubar again .They have a reunion in four years and she pass away. A month after Rahim Khan left for Pakistan, Taliban kill Hassan and his wife because they refused to leave Baba's house. Their son, Sohrab, was put in an orphanage Rahim Khan tells Amir about the death of Hassan and Farzana, his wife. He tells Amir that Hassan is Amir's brother. Ali was sterile. Hassan was also Baba’s son but Hassan never knew.. Rahim Khan asks Amir to go to Kabul and bring Sohrab to him. Amir and Farid locate the orphanage where Sohrab has been living but the director regretfully informs Amir that a Talib Official had come to the orphanage and bought Sohrab. And he shows them how to look for the Talib official with the black sunglasses, this man will know where Sohrab is. They go to Ghazi Stadium to find the official who bought Sohrab. Cruel fate arranged the buyer Sohrab from an orphanage is Assef. Amir was forced to fight with Assef if he wants to have Sohrab. Assef beats Amir badly, breaking his nose and teeth. Amir starts laughing. He finally feels comfort because he just knows the feeling how to being beaten up. Sohrab uses his slingshot to help both of them escape Assef. When they go out of the house, Farid drives them away. Amir is taken to a hospital. He wakes up two days later in a hospital with a broken jaw, punctured lung, ruptured spleen, and other injuries. Rahim Khan has left town, he leaves Amir a letter and his money in a safe deposit box. Rahim Khan also makes up the people Amir planned
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