The Key to Savagery in Goldings Lord of the Flies

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Deep inside every person lurks a savage and dark side. However, if never pushed to the brink of mental capacity and catastrophe, this darkness might never be seen. In William Golding’s Lord Of the Flies, the reader witnesses young boys brought to an untamed island, and they soon become very untamed themselves. Proof of this is found when the more fearful the boys become of the beast, the more savage they become. Also, they turn off their emotions, allowing them to kill their old friends and acquaintances. Lastly, when an adult arrives providing comfort, everything is normal once more. The reason the boys in William Golding’s Lord of The Flies fall from civilization into savagery so quickly is because, when humans become fearful, they turn off their emotions. The more fearful of the beast the boys become, the more savage they become, because fear brings out the emotionless and ferociousness in humans. The beast is a huge element of fear in the novel. The reason the fear is so great is because the beast is an unknown creature in the beginning, never seen, just a fear that grows bigger. Like JK Rowling said in Philosopher's Stone, “Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.” This paranoia of the beast drives them to insanity, they have the constant feeling as if they are being hunted, like Jack who says: “If you’re hunting sometimes you catch yourself feeling as if-” Jack flushed suddenly. “There’s nothing in it of course. Just a feeling, but-being hunted, as if something’s behind you all the time in the jungle.” This quote proves that fear spreads quickly, from the littluns to the biguns, caused by the beast. This fear turns them into monsters themselves. They turn off their emotions, giving into their dark sides. In order to quench the feeling that something’s always behind them, hunting them, they become hunters themselves. Hunters of the beast and
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