The Influences of Forrest Gump

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The Influences of Forrest Gump Forrest Gump has influenced history in many ways; celebrities, schools, wars, running,and his son. Forrest had many guests in his house growing up, but he had a huge impact on one in particular, Elvis Presley. Elvis was Forrest's favorite guest because he had a guitar. Everybody knows Elvis' signature "hound dog" dance, but what most people don't know is that little Forrest Gump influenced that dance. How this dance came about is; Elvis was playing his guitar for Forrest and he started dancing and Elvis tried to pick up on it to preform at his concerts while he was singing. Forrest was accepted into The University of Alabama on a football scholarship. He was present while govener George Wallace was there to desegregate the school. Forrest didn't understand the circumstances and followed an African American woman into the school to tell her that she had dropped her notebook. By doing so, he influenced the others that were against desegregation before, and helped them to understand that no matter a persons color it is okay to communicate and help one another. Forrest changed the lives of many African Americans and how they were viewed. After he graduated college, he joined the Army and was sent off to fight in the Vietnam war. Forrest was a dedicated solider, he always followed orders without hesitation or questions asked. While in battle, many of his troop members were killed by the vitnameese army, but the people the remained Forrest rescued from the battle field and returned them to safety. They ended up in the hospital where they were treated and sent home to the states.Forrest influenced the soliders to be loyal and to help each other. Forrest Gump ran for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours and then he went home to Greenbow Alabama. While he was running he met a bunch of people and helped them to accomplish there hopes

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