The Influence of Genetic Inheritance on Human Behaviors the Case Study of Twins

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The Influence of Genetic Inheritance on Human Behaviors The Case Study of Twins Genetic inheritance is the transmission of genetic material (genes) from parents to offspring, almost all physical and many personality traits and unique abilities are found in the genes. Just like the environment, the genetics plays an important role in contributing to individual variations in human behaviors. In this case, the human behavior that is studied through twin studies is neuroplasticity by comparing the concordance rates of both homosexual potencies and IQ levels of twins. One of the most common ways to study the possible correlation of genetic inheritance and the behavior is through correlational twin studies. Through previous studies on genetic inheritance, it is known that the higher the genetic relationship the more similar individuals will be if particular characteristic being investigated is inherited. Researchers study twins because this study involves comparing identical and non-identical twins, or identical twins raised apart. In most cases, twins share the same environment, so the researchers can estimate how much certain traits are affected by genes by examining how often certain traits occur in both kinds of twins. If identical twins are raised apart, then they will have the same genes but different environment. This also allows the effects of genes to be estimated. Therefore, these studies allow researchers to isolate the influence of genes and environment on twins’ behaviors to some extent. Bailey and Pillard (1991) studied monozygotic (MZ: identical) twins, and dizygotic (DZ: fraternal) twins, found out the concordance rates (the correlation found between twins) for when one was homosexual the other was also homosexual. The concordance rate for DZ twins was 22%, while MZ twins had a doubled rate of 52%, which indicates that although there must be some

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