The Inequality of Cuban Refugees V.S. Haitians

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The Inequality of Cuban Refugees V.S. Haitians My name is Mary Anderson and I am an immigrant. I was born in Jamaica and came to America when I was six years old. I became a naturalized citizen a couple of years after I graduated from high school. I think, because of my background and where I live, I have an uncommon insight into the treatment of immigrants in relation to each other. The immigration issue in America has been one of the most controversial issues ever. Many people don’t believe that America should house anyone that fled their country. However, many refugees have fled from their country to seek refuge in America. As a result, these people are treated unfairly by the Americans that feel this way. I’m 36 years old and have spent most of my life in Miami, Florida. Living in the city of Miami has exposed me to the unfair treatment of one immigrant to another. This issue has angered me because it’s so blatantly obvious, yet few people do anything about it. I am specifically speaking about how Cuban immigrants get preferential treatment over the Haitian immigrants. It is understandable that America has its hands full with the immigration crisis, but one immigrant should not be treated as if they were more important than another. In Miami Dade County there is an estimated residential population of 2,583,297. Of that there are estimated 1,457,501 people; 61.04 percent of that consists of Cubans living in Miami Dade County. (America Fact census) Black or Black-Americans make up 18.1 percent, with 430, 497 representatives. Haitians were counted in that percentage. All refugees have one thing in common. They are all fleeing their country for a better quality of life and they should be treated equally. I know that America cannot house or take in everybody but it seems like there are more Hispanic immigrants in this country than any

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