The Incorrect Portrayal of Women

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The Incorrect Portrayal of Women In Margaret Atwood’s “Spelling”, “This Is a Photograph of Me”, “Siren Song” and “Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing”, a speaker describes the silencing of women in all walks of life. By the end of the poems she seems to conclude that women are weak objects rather than respectable people. The allusion and imagery reveal that a patriarchal society works to limit a woman’s position of power. The poem thus suggests that in the circle game of power politics, man is violence, women is violated. Atwood’s feminism theme is clearly evident in her poem "Spelling." In "Spelling," Atwood describes the silencing of women in all walks of life. Her poem depicts the victimization and vulnerability of women without language. The poem "Spelling" begins with the speaker describing her daughter playing with letters and learning to spell. This image introduces the feminist theme and sets the tone for the remainder of the poem. Atwood then takes the reader through a history of persecution and helplessness with references to women being branded as witches and the tying of their legs to prevent childbirth. The solution she offers lies in the power of words and language. By expressing themselves through writing, women have a voice which cannot be suppressed. In the eight stanzas of "Spelling," Atwood, as the speaker of the poem, successfully expresses her views on women's need for writing as a medium of making their opinions heard and to be treated equally. Atwood's "Spelling" may seem simple and insignificant in appearance, but her feminist message is of great importance. It is a message than transcends time and travels beyond the man-made barriers of race, religion and even gender. (Her poem ‘Spelling’ is a testament to the power of words and it depicts the victimization of powerless mute women. Atwood starts it by describing her daughter on the

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