The Importance of Family

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“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.” We humans have been gifted with what no other species walking on this earth has, a sense of family. Family is something we all love and cherish. However, not all of us are fortunate enough to have a family but I am sure those people would give everything up to meet their family even if it were ephemeral. Another thing about family is our blood, not all families are related by blood. But does that even matter? So long as they have feelings for another they are family. Family is something very important, no one can live without a family is it virtually impossible. It is also the place where we learn our values, it teaches us not to discriminate against others. Also I believe that, one that severs oneself from their family is bound to walk a path of remorse, filled with nothing but despair and loneliness. Unfortunately, man is losing sight of family. This is especially true in rapidly developing western countries. Their culture is changing the way we look at family,in such a way that they make family look insignificant. In contrast to Asian countries where family is still treasured but even that is changing, a family with strong bonds is becoming somewhat a distant dream. The role of a family is to nurture and teach us various thing. When we are young there is no way we could ever take care of ourselves. That is why we have our family, to care for us. If we did not have a family to nurture us, the chances that we would ever make something out of ourselves would be one in a million. Other than to nurture us, a family will always be there for us and support us. When we are down in the dumps the first to comfort us will not be our friends, I can ensure you that much but our family. After all, friends come and go but

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