The Importance of Environmental Health in a Population

4219 Words17 Pages
The Importance Of Environmental Health In A Population Abstract Through this topic, we can understand more about environmental health and the efforts taken to address the root causes of ill health through improved preventive health strategies - using the full range of policies, interventions and technologies in our arsenal of knowledge. Previous World Health Organization(WHO) studies have examined the aggregate disease burden attributed to key environmental risks globally and regionally, quantifying the amount of death and disease caused by factors such as unsafe drinking-water and sanitation, and indoor and outdoor air pollution. Building from that experience, this present study examines how specific diseases and injuries are impacted by environmental risks, and which regions and populations are most vulnerable to environmentally-mediated diseases and injuries. The analysis here also goes a step further, and systematically analyzes how different diseases are impacted by environmental risks in a populations. Many measures can indeed be taken almost immediately to reduce this environmental disease burden. Just a few examples include the promotion of safe household water storage and better hygiene measures, the use of cleaner fuels and safer, more judicious use and management of toxic substances in the home and workplace. At the same time, actions by sectors such as energy, transport, agriculture, and industry are urgently required, in cooperation with the health sector, to address the root environmental causes of ill health. Our evolving knowledge about environmental health interactions can support the design of more effective preventive and public health strategies that reduce corresponding risks to health. Repositioning the health sector to act more effectively on preventive health policies, while enhancing intersectoral partnerships, is thus

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