The Importance Of Bad Stereotypes Of Young People In Fort William

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The younger generation People in Fort William are always saying 'Och the younger generation are chaos creating hooligans that cause distress and trouble in the community. These people that are supposedly involved in crime are somewhat of a bad stereotype for young people. Such problems are caused by many factors but the most concerning to me is that young people have very few things to do. All because the government spends very little on facilities. There is also too much bad press on young people as a result. I myself will convince you that kids in fort William are not all bad if they have something to occupy them. The media portrays to the public that all kids are bad and all kids cause chaos in the streets and distress in whole community by causing crime. These kids may cause crime occasionally but people think kids are up to to something when they first see them. These people would not do wrong if they had other things to do . If local councils put an effort into doing things to help the community it would help young people stop causing crime. By creating Youth Clubs and Teen Clubs, crime would be cut dramatically and civil unrest is cut out. In the majority of communities violence is…show more content…
There are Community Centres lying empty at night and on the weekends, these could be used by clubs and groups for the young people to use, there are football pitches and Shinty Pitches unused, these could be used by groups. All these activities take organisation but this is where our local counclil let themselves down, all it would take, would be for these councilors to take the time to come to the High School and speak to us all because all we want is to have a good time in a safe environment and not to be blamed for all the trouble caused by the

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