The Impact Of Technology On Our Society

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The Impact of Technology on Our Society Technology has opened many opportunities and has also been beneficial to our society. We keep in touch with our family and friends that are far away, we can make new friendships, learn from long distance, obtain educational information, and the list goes on and on. But up until what point is technology good? And how can it positively and negatively impact our lives? How distracted are we getting? How is it affecting our emotions? On the Digital Nation video, that was broadcast by the Frontline show, Doug Rushkoff says, “Distraction: Combating distraction isn’t as easy as turning off your email program. If you turn off you e-mail program, it’s not your software that is going to complain. It’s the people on the other side, your friends, your boss, your bills... Where is my report? Why haven’t you answered your e-mail? Are you mad at me?” Now days, companies have so much more technology tools that are used to convince or manipulate consumers of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Sadly, companies also target kids as consumers. According to Lucy Hughes, in the Basic Training video by The Corporation, she explained her version about the study conducted on nagging. “…Anywhere from 20% to 40% of purchases would’ve not occurred unless the child had nagged their parents…You can manipulate consumers into wanting ever buy your products. It’s a game!” When Hughes was asked by someone if it was ethical, she replied, “Well, yeah! If it’s ethical, I don’t know. But our rule and initiative is to move products…” David Eagleman’s book, Incognito, mentioned an experiment, that although it hasn’t much to do with technology, it gives us the idea on how technology can be played in our minds. In a recent experiment, men were asked to rank how attractive they found photographs of different women’s faces. The photos were eight by ten

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