The Impact of Structure on the Roma

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The Impact of Structure on the Roma Roma remain to date the most persecuted people of Europe. Almost everywhere, their fundamental human rights are threatened. Racist violence targeting Roma is widespread in the last years. Discrimination against Roma in employment, education, health care, administrative and other services is observed in most societies, and hate speech deepens the anti-Romani stereotypes typical of public opinion. (ERRC, 2001:5) For hundreds of years, the Roma people have been marginalised from European society due to structure in the form of their ethnicity and traditional practices, leading to high crime and poverty rates. Although the Roma have been living in Europe for around 700 years, they continue to be seen as unwelcome outsiders, and are treated as such. The Roma have had a tumultuous history, beginning with an origin shrouded in mystery and continuing to their present life of racial discrimination. One study had even begun with the words, “The Gypsies are a people without a history, and therefore without an identity” (Glase 1998:1). Nothing could be further from the truth. In order to understand current treatment of the Roma and why they live life as they do, one must be well acquainted with their historical background and origins. However, until recently there was no written form of the Romani language, and consequently no written history. Therefore, theories about their origins must be based on linguistics and cultural anthropology. The most widespread theory on Roma origins is that they came from India, evidenced by genetic data along with historical and linguistic evidence (Ioviţă 2004:278). By studying comparison between Romani and Indian grammar, the conclusion has been reached that there was a separation from India prior to 1000 AD (Hancock 2002:7). Furthermore, a report from the Centre for Human Genetics

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