the Impact of Globalization in the Modern- Day World

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The Impact of Globalization in the Modern- Day World Whether we realize it or not, globalization is a major part of our everyday lives. Globalization is the “development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets” (Merriam-Webster). Globalization is a universal concept that has transcended across continents from one country to next, dating back centuries. It enables and facilitates the spread of various ideas and products between vastly different civilizations and cultures in order to integrate them into their society. The process of globalization impacts all facets of life, including “personal, economic, and political life”(IMF). Globalization has connected and unified the world, making it more efficient and productive . The world has benefited from globalization in many facets and various ways. Globalization enables countries to trade goods freely between each other without strict boundaries or legalities. Developing nations, particularly benefit from free trade as it grants them easier access to international markets(IMF).Without globalization ,companies located in less affluent countries would not be able to “develop new technologies and produce new products and services” (IMF). Globalization benefits the world by contributing to employment and job creation in underdeveloped countries that otherwise would never have the opportunities to do so. Successful international companies seek to expand and further establish their company in foreign markets, increasing the demand for jobs through outsourcing, considerably many of whom are skilled workers (Mohr). As globalization occurs between countries all throughout the world, open markets facilitate the flow of money, which leads to “rising leverage and easy credit”( Mourdoukoutas).
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