The History Of Wheat In Saskatchewan

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Wheat's in Saskatchewan Wheat was first discovered in the Middle East. Most farmers began to produce enough crops to feed all the people in the area and from there trading of wheat was created between various cultures. Wheat began developing not only in the Middle East, but in other countries as well and then spread to America with Christopher Columbus. Eventually after some time the growing of wheat spread more and more and as of today it is one of the highest producing crops in the world. Wheat has been one of the first plants that have ever been grown, due to how well it adapts to rough climates. After the wheat was discovered, humans began growing it significantly and dramatic changes started taking place. People began to discover…show more content…
I went to the library and tried to find some interesting books I can use to figure out what crops grow in what places, but that really didn't help. The day the project was handed to us I was considering doing apples and other sorts of fruits in the Okanogan, but after hearing what ideas my classmates had, half the class thought of doing it in the Okanogan where they wanted to grow fruits which then made me decide not to do it in the Okanogan. I really wanted to create my farm in a very unique and interesting area where no one in the class was going to do it. So after hours of research and watching the National Geographic Channel I finally decided to do it in Saskatchewan where I would grow wheat's. The reason the National Graphic Channel helped was because while I was watching it I saw a dessert that was full of dry grass which looked like wheat and animals running around which I thought was very cool and from that it gave me an idea to do wheat. After realizing what crop to grow I figured out the best place to grow wheat's is in Saskatchewan, While researching about wheat's I realized that they are one of the most important crops used as of today. Which got me more interested in researching about Wheat's and cause I love the Saskatchewan roughriders I wanted to do it there even more. If I had a farm there I would definitely go watch…show more content…
Which then made me decide to go back to the library and find books on Saskatchewan and wheat's. After researching the history of wheat's and Saskatchewan then I focused on figuring out the temperatures and precipitation levels of Saskatchewan has. I really needed to narrow down my location and figure out what city I was going to place my wheat's in. After some research I realized that mostly all of Saskatchewan grows wheat's its not just one
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