The heron and the hummingbird

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The Heron and Hummingbird The Native American attitude in their myths is that everything such as people, animals, and the environment around them is animated by divinity. That is why ordinary people, animals and places are so divine and heavenly throughout the entire story. The people are often not even given a name that is because they symbolize characters in the world, they’re usually given a tag or represented by animals. This myth can be described in many different ways, one meaning that it has is to not rush and hurry because that is not the best way to go to reach your goals. The Heron and Hummingbird are great examples that prove the famous saying, “slow and steady wins the race” to be true. This is always proclaimed from different myths and stories by the Native Americans. The hummingbird is of course the quicker and more agile bird with a lot of pride, but the heron shows the proper model of a talented and devoted flyer. Each person in the society of the Hitchiti Tribe, like all other tribes is symbolized by a specific animal and the traits of that animal, for example a story with a fox would represent someone who is very sneaky and clever. A lion would represent heart, leadership, and courage. With the heron taking the race slow and not rushing to reach his goal, proves that it is devoted to win the race and achieving the overall goal of winning the fish of the world. “When it got dark, he decided to rest. He found a nice spot to perch and slept all night long. But Heron just kept flying steadily forward all night long, flapping his giant wings.” The heron represents the person with great intelligence knowing that it will achieve its goal without struggle and without any problems. The Humming bird represents the person with great skill that is very flashy who likes to make an impression. With the hummingbird being so quick it is incredibly easily

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