The Haymarket Riot 1894

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The Haymarket Riot 1894 On May 4, 1886, industry workers held a rally in Haymarket, Chicago to demand an eight-hour workday and were countered by repression, a massacre we call Haymarket Riot was happened. What cause the rally that American worker require eight hours day? In 1880, workers marched for the eight hours day. In 1884, the federal trade organization passed a solution, enacted a new law requiring eight hours day which took effective from May 1, 1886. However, since then, the workers were forced to work 10 hours a day, 12 hours, or 14 hours, which makes the law exists in name only. Because the head of the state cooled to this and showed unfriendly attitude, a strike that for 8 hours of work began. A study found an important cause of riot (Shelley, 2007) In April, 1886, 250,000 workers took part in the May Day protests. The protests was organized by non-governmental international workers’ union in Chicago where is the center of activity. The businessmen and government felt fear for this revolution, head of the local business requirements to increase the number of the police and the army. At the same time, he Commercial Club of Chicago bought $2000 of guns used to guard against the strike. On May 1st, the strike got Chicago textile, shoes, home decoration workers’ support, the police began to fire on the crowd, and two workers were killed on May 3rd. Some non-governmental personage calls on workers to protest the government's violent crackdown in the Haymarket square next day. Why the rally had changed so dramatically (Timothy, 2011) On May 3rd, a team of workers proctor attacked by the police, a picket was killed and many people were injured at McCormick harvester factory. On the evening of May 4th, Spies, Albert, Parsons, and Samuel Fielden spoke to a crowd estimated 3,000. At the beginning, the rally was peacefully. Suddenly, a subversive threw a
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