The God Who Wasn't There

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Brian Flemming is both the producer and the director of the film. The full title of the film is “The God Who Wasn't There”. The film was made in 2005 and is about 60 minutes long. The film raises the question “Did Jesus exist?.” The film continues with an examination of evidence and a look at Christianity as a whole. The subject is relevant because Christianity plays an important role in politics today in America. The producer examines the historical timeline of when Jesus died and when the gospel was written. As the producer examines the timeline he points out the gap of 40 years that exist between Jesus’s death and the first gospel written by Mark. In my opinion the filmmaker uses a remorseful tone. The thesis is “ What happened when I went looking for Jesus” and is clearly stated at the beginning of the film. The film examines the evidence that hold up the Christ myth theory. By watching this film we can find out how the doctrine of the earliest Christians, is none contradictory with Jesus having been a mythical character. The Epistles of Paul makes no reference to how Jesus supposed to be a human being who lived not to long ago. There are only three things that Paul mentions and those are crucifixion, resurrection and the ascension. And the most important thing here is that Paul presents these as having occurred in the mythical realm not an earthly one. The author of the film goes on to inform us how the death-resurrection-ascension sequence was not uncommon in previous religions and mythologies. As a result the producer concludes that similar mythological characters that existed among the people of the region inspired the Jesus character. The producer also informs us about how in the Gospels there is more evidence of mythologies and he gives an example the “ Massacre of the Innocents” which is inspired by the nearly identical story of Exodus. Flemming the

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