The Forest And The Trees Analysis

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Social Norms The Forest and the Trees by, Allan O. Johnson, thoroughly captures a perspective on sociological imagination. It uses examples of individualism and diversity to convey how it affects every day life. The main ideas of individualism, diversity, and perspectives of a culture of people shape my reactions and reflections in defining the pros and cons of sociological imagination. There are many interesting views in the passage discussed about the aspects of sociological imagination. In this passage, the perspective of sociological imagination is mostly based on how America views things as a nation. For example, “an American perspective” can be described with society’s views. “When women, for example, talk about how sexism affects them, individualistic thinking encourages men to hear this as a personal accusation “If women are oppressed, then I’m an evil oppressor who wants to oppress them”.(Article 2, The Forest and the Trees, 7) With the American perspective another main idea in the passage deals with social roles, and aspects based on sociological imagination such as individualism stating that individualism is a way of thinking that encourages people to explain the world in terms of what goes on within themselves and nothing…show more content…
In Allan G. Johnson’s, the forest and the trees, he uses this metaphor to describe how and individual makes up society. With that being said, the individual’s thoughts, ideas, and behavior all amounting to who he/she is as a person can be termed as individualism. In the passage, the author conveys the message of how individualism contributes to sociological imagination, how this affects society’s outlook on different things and also reflects on the many things that come along with sociological imagination such as diversity, and different perspectives. This is based just on how people think and how they make sense of what they think just as everyday social

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