The Flappers In The Roaring Twenties

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Topic: Flappers in the Roaring Twenties Two Scholarly Journal Articles Hirshbein, L. D. (2001). The Flapper and the Fogy: Representations of Gender and Age in the 1920s. Journal of Family History, 26, 1, 112-137. Retrieved from website: This scholarly journal article was found by using the Saint Xavier University Library website and typing in the search words “the flapper.” After reading the journal, it becomes clear that it covers the change that took place in the 1920s which caused a comparison between generations. The author takes the time to compare…show more content…
The author stresses throughout the writing different films that had arose primarily because of the developments of the “New Woman” or in other words, the flapper. Some of the other main ideas would pertain to the image of women changing as well as the effects on class and consumerism. Ultimately, the purpose of this scholarly journal is to explain and argue that women film stars during the time of the 1920s were largely effected by the ever changing roles that women were taking in their lives. Sharot stressed image in the writing and how this greatly affected the way that women were portrayed on screen. After reading this composition, the intended audience seems to be those who are interested in film and understanding how it has developed over time, as well as those who are interested in gender studies and wish to gain a deeper understanding of how women and their roles evolved. The audience would also be scholarly groups of people. In relation to reliability, this source appears to be extremely reliable in that it was peer reviewed and includes a long list of references that were used by the author, who does seem to have expertise given that he has written many works in addition to this. I think…show more content…
To summarize this website and the information it provides, the main points that are touched on are the lives of flappers in the 1920s and they change of appearance that women experienced during this time. Overall, the source explains that flappers took on important roles in the work place and then also made some time for fun and enjoyment. Flappers had a different look than women had before, and they most definitely enjoyed themselves. Ultimately, the main point of the source is that flappers made advances in the workplace and also had fun by smoking, drinking, and sexual experimentation, but some critiques in regards to flappers would be that they did not make advances or gains in things of much more importance such as politics. The purpose of this source would most likely be to inform the audience, which would be those interested in history and also those who do have some critiques about flappers and their actions, about women’s lives during the 1920s and to stress the argument that many changes occurred for women and although they may not have accomplished some very important things that they could have, they did most definitely have a great time during The Roaring Twenties. This source does not show where it attained its information and is clearly biased in that the author stresses the fact that flappers had a great time during
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