The Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Ethnic groups are social groups in a larger society, set apart and bound together by commons ties of race, language, nationality, or culture. Ethnicity is an important means by which people identify with larger groups. There are more than 6.5 billion people in the world. Each person in the world identifies with various ethnic groups. Ethnic groups play important roles in a countries society. Countries with numerous ethnic groups often encounter ethnic conflict. The causes of the conflict vary, but research has shown that most disputes are spawn from the desire for political power. On the other hand not all ethnically diverse countries face ethnic violence. In some other nations ethnic groups unites the country. Societies which struggle with ethnic violence tend to be under developed countries. The Federal Republic of Nigeria The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a country located in West Africa. Nigeria is the world’s seventh largest oil exporter and tenth largest gas exporters. After gaining independence in the 1960, it was expected to become a develop country instead it is one of the poorest countries in the world for various reasons. Nigeria is known as the “Giant of Africa.” It is the 8th most populous country in the world and holds the largest population in Africa. Nigeria is also home to more than 250 ethnic groups. The most prominent ethnic groups in the African Giant are Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo. These three ethnic groups make up sixty percent of the population. In an underdeveloped country like Nigeria, there is bound to be clashes between ethnic groups. Many of today’s issues in Nigeria resulted from the colonial period. Colonization From the 1800s to 1960 Nigeria was under British colonization, like many other African countries. During the British reign in Nigeria, it lacked stable or central governance. Britain only concern was to maintain
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