The Eight Forms of Non-Verbal Communication and What They Mean an

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The Eight Forms of Non-Verbal Communication and What They Mean. Dennis Frost Everest University Online Saturday May 5, 2012 Abstract Communication is used worldwide for people to talk to each other and explain ideas, thoughts and opinions or to just simply pass pleasantries to one another; however, there is another form of communication that is accompanied by eight forms. What is this other type of communication and the forms that accompany it? Non-verbal communication consists of communication without sound; it is basically the body and actions of a person communicating for them. Why is Non-verbal communications so important in the criminal justice field as well as other areas of the workforce? Does this type of communication vary from country to country as well as cultures? The Eight Forms of Non-Verbal Communication and What They Mean. Communication is used by everyone everyday of their lives. A person communicates constantly with others even if they do not feel like communicating they do it anyway, this is done through the form of non-verbal communications. There are eight main forms that people communicate through non verbal communications on a daily basis. These forms can affect the way that people view another person; however, without understanding the forms of non-verbal communication there is bound to be a lot of misunderstandings (Cherry, 2012). The first of the non-verbal communications would be the expression someone makes with their face which is called facial expressions, these expressions can sometimes be a sign as too what type of day a person is having as well as what type of mood they are in. The facial expressions can be that of anger, frustration, sadness, sickness, tiredness, and stressed out, happiness or showing that a person is bored with the conversation. These forms of facial expressions can be shown in multiple ways. A smile, a
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