The Effects on the Volume of Urination

773 Words4 Pages
A diuretic provides the means of forced diuresis, which increases the rate of urination. There are many categories of diuretics, but all of them increase the excretion of water from bodies. One of the most important functions of diuretics is that they remove all of the excess water from the body. Caffeine contains Xanthines, which is a diuretic through inhibiting the reabsorption sodium ions, and increasing the glomerulus filtration rate. Water filters from the blood through the kidneys. Urine is also formed through the kidneys (helps remove wastes). When blood enters the kidney from the renal artery, it moves into the glomerulus, where filtration occurs. This is where water and dissolved particles are pulled out of the blood, resulting in a filtrate, which is then collected by the Bowman’s capsule. The nephron itself will then restore the vital nutrients and water back into the blood, while retaining the waste products the needs to eliminate, through the proximal and distal tubules. When there are no diuretics in the blood, when tubular reabsorption occurs through the proximal tubule, selective reabsorption of nutrients, such a sodium ions, from the filtrate go back into the blood. So, when sodium ions are reabsorbed by the blood, negative ions such as chloride ions follow due to the charge attraction. The highly concentrated solutes create an osmotic force, so water is also reabsorbed and is also reabsorbed. Then the filtrate goes through the descending loop of Henle, which is permeable to water (water retained back), and then through the ascending loop of Henle, which is permeable to salt (salt is retained back). Then the filtrate goes to the distal tubule, which removes the wastes that were not initially filtered out of the Bowman’s capsule (hydrogen ions). From the distal tubule, it travels to the collecting duct (now called urine), which prepares the urine

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