The Effects Of Stress In Teenagers

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INTRODUCTION: The following research project is a summation of the various modes of research that I have conducted in order to test my hypothesis. The final year of schooling holds a large amount of stress and anxiety for every student. It is a year of constant pressure and many students are unable to cope with the stress of the upcoming finals and the chance of rejection from university. Many students pursue different methods in order to reduce their levels of anxiety. My hypothesis is that concentration medication does not reduce stress in teenagers and I came to desire to test such a hypothesis upon hearing of an experience of one of my school friends, who will be kept anonymous for ethical purposes. The person in question visited a…show more content…
The information provides options to reduce stress in teenagers that does not refer to concentration medication but in fact address the physical component that exercise burns cortisol which is the stress hormone leaving the person feeling calmer and more relaxed. The source does not advocate the use of concentration medication to reduce cortisol and ultimately reduce stress. This source has a high validity as it addresses alternative options to stress management. Furthermore, it gives options for dealing with stress that does not include concentration medication proving the idea that concentration medication is not the first avenue that is followed for stress control. It is reliable as it is written by the organization “Raising Children Network”, in Australia, and is supported by the Social services government of Australia conveying its reliability in concrete investigation. It is useful as it supports the hypothesis and does not advocate the use of concentration medication to reduce stress in teenagers. Furthermore, it provides a variety of stress management skills and educational information. However, It may be seen as limited as it does not consider children suffering from concentration deficits and how they deal with stress differently. The source is supported by several children wellbeing organizations conveying its relevant…show more content…
The article does not show concentration medication to reduce stress. This conveys its use for concentration that will reduce cortisol however not for stress related reasons would one be prescribed. The child will be at an advantage being on medication that will help interaction and social skills when having ADHD thus being necessary for concentration related reasons. This source is useful as it addresses the need for concentration medication when having a concentration deficit however, not when suffering from stress. The source is an asset to the research as it shows the necessity of concentration medication for children as it approves the child’s ability to function. [ Date accessed
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