The Effects of Lighting on Helianthus Annuus

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The Effects of Lighting on Helianthus Annuus Abstract The growth of a plant is affected by the temperature, sunlight, and many other factors. Each plant grew at their own rate’s, as shown in the tables below, and was placed in different locations. The different locations varied in the amount light of light each plant received. The temperatures varied between the indoor and outdoor plants. However, all the plants received the same amount of water. Data was collected from this experiment to determine how much each factor affected the plants growth. Introduction The Helianthus annuus is also known as the sunflower. The sunflower is an annual, erect, broadleaf plant with a strong taproot and prolific lateral spread of surface roots (Sunflower). They can reach sizes of 1.5-3.5 meters. Moderate temperatures such as 21-26 degrees Celsius are the best temperature environments for optimum growth. Temperatures that range from 18-33 degrees Celsius show very little growth affect on the sunflower. The extent of plant growth increase or decrease at a certain temperature will depend on the plant species (Compant et al, 2010). The depth of the seed will affect the way and how fast the sunflower seed grows. A planting depth of 2.5cm-9cm allows sunflower seeds to reach available moisture and gives satisfactory stands. The sunflower is not considered to be highly drought tolerant, but it is an inefficient user of water. The purpose of this experiment is to test if plants will not grow as efficiently as it would if there was sunlight and see if there are low levels of sunlight. Methods/Materials During the experiment one of the plants was not watered one day out of the week, which should result in no change in the growing efficiency of the sunflower seed. The experiment began with three 532 milliliter plastic cups, filled with approximately 266 milliliters of Scotts Turf
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