The Effect That Social Needs

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The effect that social needs have on interaction from birth to adulthood. Frank Sanchez 204090 Submission Date 4/29/12 Abstract Insert Abstract Text Here. Social needs are what make us search out human contact from the time we are born until we die. According to Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs, social needs come after physiological and safety needs. Once we are fed and feel secure then we purposely search out others. Social needs can take the form of family relationships, friendships and intimacy or love relationships. Family relationships are the first form of social needs that we have. A baby needs to bond with an adult early on or he/she may have problems later in life with relationships. The need for contact, which is a babies' social need, motivates them to cry as their way of communicating this need. Past studies, of children in orphanages, have shown that a babies' crying will diminish over time if they don't get the contact they desire (social need). They sort of give up on the contact and become very quiet. Older children and adults also look for relationships to fulfill social needs. Their first contact is the family and our society encourages families to be a supportive agent in the search for relationships. Other support systems, which can be positive, lead people to join religious organizations, clubs and team activities, to name a few. If social needs aren't met, people look outside of these groups to other places which might not be as positive. Gangs are one example of how the social need for relationships can be turned negative. Gangs become the family for the person but they may lead the person to engage in socially negative and unhealthy behavior. Drug use and criminal behavior are what may become part of the behavior of someone in a gang. Friendships, as a social need, are usually meant to be found outside the family.
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