The Drugging of Our Children

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The Drugging of Our Children Are we so sure children really have problems today? How can we be sure they are not simply acting like all children should always act? Children get mad, they have outburst, they don’t like other kids, they don’t want to do their homework, but when a parent or school decides it’s too much off to the doctor they go to get a possible diagnosis for that behavior and often it seems the diagnosis is for the wrong reason. “There’s a children's picture book in the US called Brandon and the Bipolar Bear. Brandon and his bear sometimes fly into unprovoked rages. Sometimes they're silly and overexcited. A nice doctor tells them they are ill, and gives them medicine that makes them feel much better (Jon, 2011).” Sometimes kids are just kids and just get upset, sometimes being that each child is an individual they will not perform or behave in a standard way but does this make them ill and need drugs or stimulants? Today the availability of prescription drugs is on the rise. We live in a society where children often take more medications than adults. Today’s children’s also use other drugs in excess that are stimulant in nature to excess to function. The largest contributor to the availability of prescription drugs at this time appears to be for children living with ADD, and the largest stimulant appears to be caffeinated products. Can we change this as a society, or are we on a downward spiral that will forever keep our kids in “check” simply by keeping them drugged and behaving well? Will we be able to go back in time and let children just be children, so that they don’t feel the need at ten years old to be drinking energy drinks and coffee just to keep up with what the new standard in children are? Right now our society is promoting the drugging of our children with prescription stimulants and caffeinated beverages to help them conform to
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