The Difficulty of Understanding Dickinson’s Poetry Stems from the Fact That She Longs for Death but at the Same Time Also Fears It. Discuss This Statement with a Particular Focus on ‘I Heard a Fly Buzz- When I Died’ and

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‘I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died’ by Emily Dickinson, is a poem on the theme of mortality and death. It focusses on the experience of a person after they have died. It is evident in this poem that Dickinson expresses feelings of longing for death as well as fearing it. Figurative language plays a major part in expressing Dickinson’s views in ‘I Heard a Fly Buzz’. The scene opens with ‘The Stillness in the Room (being) like the Stillness in the Air’. A person is dying and this event is described as being ‘Between the Heaves of Storm’ – Dickinson has set the mood as dark but also quite exciting as there is a strong ‘buzz’ of anticipation for the climax of this person’s life- ironically, their death. It’s almost as though Dickinson’s characterisation of death through the use of metaphor is literally like a storm itself – the ‘Stillness in the Air’ is the calm at the eye of the storm before the second half – or second ‘Heave’-passes over- the person them self passes over into the next phase, whatever that may be. Dickinson’s intimidating description of death may reflect her fearful thoughts towards the subject. At a young age Dickson lost her cousin and close friend Sophia Holland, which disturbed her deeply. Dickinson was also very close to nature and as a young woman enjoyed being outdoors. It is possible that Dickinson’s fear of death, as evident in this stanza, stems from events in her past such as the passing of her cousin and the only way she feels able to comprehend such a loss is through the use of figurative language with the theme of nature, to bring the topic of death to life a bit more. However, looking at this poem differently, it could be suggested that maybe death is something Dickinson longs for. ‘I willed me Keepsakes’ in the third stanza of this poem is simply stating that the person whose dying is prepared to die, they are ‘will(ing)’ to greet death.

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