The Crucible: Truth Is a Powerful Thing

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The truth is an powerful idea that not many people understand. It has the possibility to make peoples lives better or worse. This was the case in the Salem Witch Trials-mostly making the lives of people worse. The Witch Trials took place back in the 1600’s in the Puritan era. Many innocent people died because the truth was not told. The Crucible is the most famous play written by Arthur Miller. It is about the trials and the tragedy that became of them. Miller masterfully highlights the value of truth throughout the play. In the story the importance of truth is highlighted when the girls lied about the reasoning behind their behavior and falsely accused other people of witchcraft, when Elizabeth lied about the reasoning behind Abigail’s termination from work, and when John Proctor wanted to keep his dignity and the truth behind his name. Many people lost their innocent lives because of girls that did not want to get in trouble for dancing in the forest. The girls speak about seeing the innocent people with devil which led to the trial and hangings of those people. “Abigail: I saw Sarah Good with the devil. I saw Goody Osburn with the devil. I saw Bridget Bishop with the devil” (Miller 1235). This happens when Abigail Williams and Betty wrongfully accused people. This was just to save themselves from getting in trouble, actions that led to peoples lives getting took away. “Danforth: Hang them high over the town” (Miller 1272). This quote occurs Judge Danforth orders John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse to be hanged. If the truth was told in the beginning no one would have wrongfully died. There might of not even been any fatalities or consequences. Abigail Williams worked for the Proctor’s for some time and was fired by Elizabeth because of suspicions of John committing adultery with Abigail. In the trial John admits to this to try and save his

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