The Consequences Of Life After The American Revolution

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The American Revolution was perhaps one of the most profound moments in United States history because of its consequences that followed. The wars that happened during the revolt of American colonists against Europe were brutal, bloody battles. These battles were not only costly with resources, but also costly through lives. The constant fighting that happened between colonial America and Europe was enough to make life incredibly hard during those times. Before the American Revolution, life was simple and in fact very boring because of the way England was treating them; governing them even though they were not in England. It was definite at that point that life was not going to get any easier unless the colonists stood up and did something about it. In earlier times, when colonists first arrived in North America, life was already hard. They were still under British law and had other natural obstacles to overcome. They had no decent terrain to grow crops and the Native Americans were hostile to some colonists. It seemed that things were just not going to go right for them. Then, when the Native Americans accepted the colonists and gave them their own land, the colonists formed the thirteen American Colonies. But, the colonies were still oppressed under the king’s rule. This made almost every American upset, almost to the point of revolt, but…show more content…
Unfortunately, we cannot harness that kind of direct information, but primary resources state that life was substantially better due to the fact of how many requests to change laws and bills had been taken into consideration. But there was a competition with a new party, the Republican Party. This party had other ideas besides just inheriting some ideas from Democracy. This caused life to sometimes be separated between which political parties you were
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