The Color Purple Literary Devices

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Main characters Celie: She is a young afro-American female with a look of self esteem who get’s married off and emotionally/ physically abused by Mr.____ , and she is 14- 19 years old. Nettie: Celie’s sister. She is smart and the only person in the world that love Celie. After being nearly raped by her father and Mr.____ she is forced to leave Celie. She is 13- 16 years old. Mr.____: Celie’s husband. Tried to marry Nettie first. His first wife was shot by her boyfriend. He is abusive to Celie and sleeps around with Shug Avery his true love. He is 30- 40 years old. Shug Avery: Mr.____’s lover. Considered a tramp to the religious. R and B singer. He is 25- 35 years old. Harpo: Mr.____’s son. He is 8- 16 years old. Harpo gives Celie trouble…show more content…
Harpo marries Sophia after the baby’s birth. She is 16 years old. Vocabulary 1. Gluttons- noun, , Then some is gluttons, page 61. 2. Hansker- noun, , She sit down and start to fan herself with a hansker, page 32. 3. Clabber- noun, , Eat his clabber and cornbread with the glass near bout to his nose, page 64. 4. Chifferobe- noun, , Nothing but church going clothes in my chifferobe, page 77. From the internet: 1. A person who eats or consumes immoderate amounts of food and drink. 2. A person with an inordinate capacity to receive or withstand something: a glutton for…show more content…
Celie is a woman who from the young age of 14 was raped, had to children by her daddy, and lost her mother. Nobody in the world loves Celie but her sister Nettie. To Celie’s dismay Nettie has to run away after being nearly raped by her father, and Celie’s new husband known as Mr.____. Mr.____ continuously beats and emotionally abuses Celie through the story. Celie begins to fall in love with Shug Avery Mr.____'s mistress who is known as the towns whore while this happens Mr._____'s eldest son Harpo falls in love with Sofia. Sofia is a headstrong female who Harpo marries, but she ends up beaten and put in jail after punching the

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