The Charles Manson Case: A Case Of Injustice

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Everyday there are thousands of crimes committed and most of those in tell an issue of justice. One crime in particular is the case of Charles Manson. Charles Manson is a man that led a colt of people in the late 1960’s. In one situation he actually told a group of girls to go cut the baby out of a women, while she was still alive. As a result of this he just got life in prison WITH a chance of parole. This is in just because it was a horrible event, he didn’t get what he deserved, and it allows others to get away with the idea of doing wrong without being fully punished. Without a doubt, you should consider this an act of injustice. To begin with, the Charles Manson case was a situation of injustice because it was a horrible event. To further explain this event, Charles Manson was a leader of a colt. This colt tattooed swastikas on their forehead. Charles Manson told them to go…show more content…
This man caused a family to be broken, a man to be scarred forever, and disturbed the minds of thousands of people across the nation. I guess it goes without saying that he deserved far more than life in prison with a chance of parole. This criminal deserved the DEATH penalty. You should definitely consider this a case of injustice. Lastly, the Charles Manmosn case was a situation of injustice because it make other criminals think that they can get away with doing wrong things without getting proper punishment. The phrase monkey see monkey do comes into play her. This case definitely proposes adomino effect that could hender our future to a dangerous demise. To some up the aforementioned points, the case of Charles Manson was a situation of injustice. It was injustice beacause it was a horrible event, he didn’t get what he deserved, and it allows others to get away with the idea of doing wrong without being fully punished. You should consider this a case where justice went
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