The Causes Of The French Revolution

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The Causes of the French Revolution The French Revolution occurred in 1789 and several causes led up this uprising. These include political problems caused by the king´s weak leadership in the Three-Estate-System, the new ideas of the Age of Enlightenment which was brought over from North-America, and financial hardships because helping the North-American Revolution and maintaining Versailles. The first of these causes was related to internal political problems and the weak leadership of Louis XVI contributed to them. The young King, at the age of 19, did not have the necessary experience to rule France effectively. He was incapable of decisive action and strongly influenced by his wife, the Austrian Marie Antoinette, what was not seen with pleasure. One of the biggest weaknesses of the King was that he relied too much on his personal judgements than on the opinions of his court, which were probably chosen with more experience. Louis was not really concerned with keeping the loyalty of the 1st and 2nd Estates. The 1st Estate (1% of the French population) was made up of the clergy, while the 2nd Estate (2% of the French population) consisted of the nobility. He was also not involved with problems of the 3rd Estate (97% of the French population), which were basically the commoners. Initially, this would not cause any big problems because the 3rd Estate knew that they had nothing to say even if they were the majority, just because the other Estates were simply more important. However, this changed during the Age of Enlightenment which brought new ideas inspired from the British and the American society. Voltaire, the leading French thinker stated that France would not be free as long as its King was an absolute monarch. John Locke, an other Enlightenment thinker, affirmed that each and every single person is born with rights. These natural rights
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