The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas

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The world has, and will always face the problem of discrimination, Discrimination is highly discussed and a big problem in society today, and yet no permanent solution has been found. Many countries around the world subscribe to one main type of discrimination that affects different groups of people. The definition of discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, caused by factors such as, colour of their skin, gender or religion. The world we live in today has been struggling with discrimination for over 100 years. Alot of people think/believe discrimination has made big steps forward, but has it really? If it has, why do people still get turned down, receive hate mail, or get ridiculed simply because they differ from each other. I guess these are questions in life we must ask ourselves. Living in the 21 century one would assume the practise of discrimination is no longer practised in society, however this is not the case. Discrimination is not as vivid in society like how it use to be at a certain point of time, this date backs to history. Furthermore, many people think discrimination does not exist in such a westernized and multicultural society. Many types of different groups are often discriminated; this is vivid within in the media. Religion tends to be targeted the most in the media. Many forms of discrimination is shown in the film watched in class “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” the act of discrimination, is highly evident in this movie. Although there are many examples shown throughout the movie, a particular act of discrimination that stood out to me is when Jewish individuals where negatively treated because of their social norms and everyday practises. As many decades past by, discrimination is not completely vanishing within societies. A more narrow discussion will be looked at, this being my

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